World Financial Group in Barrie
On August 11 at 9:09 AM
Why you shouldn't wait to invest...
This graph represents the monthly amount required to save $1 million dollars for retirement (using a 5%, tax deferred account - RRSP) The numbers along the bottom show the number of years until retirement.
See how the amount per month required increases dramatically with the decreasing time line?

For more helpful information, contact our WFG office in Barrie. We offer free consultations to individuals wanting to better prepare for their financial future.
Text Marnie MacKay at 70-500-4514 or email us at

World Financial Group in Barrie
On August 10 at 9:00 PM
Today feels like it needs a really bad pun to get things going.
Have a great Tuesday everyone!

World Financial Group in Barrie
On August 10 at 9:00 PM
Today feels like it needs a really bad pun to get things going.
Have a great Tuesday everyone!

World Financial Group in Barrie
On June 21 at 9:00 AM
Today feels like it needs a really bad pun to get things going.
Have a great Tuesday everyone!

World Financial Group in Barrie
On June 21 at 9:00 AM
Today feels like it needs a really bad pun to get things going.
Have a great Tuesday everyone!

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