About Us
A Better Way to Shop Locally
Our goal is to make the community aware of what is available to them right around the corner.
Locally owned stores and shops are owned by your friends and neighbours. They are fighting every day to beat the big corporations for the right to be able to and sell products to everyday people like you. They are trying to make a living in doing what they love....serving their community. You can help! Shopping local and purchasing things like produce, meats, clothing and every other day to day item will keep your economy strong and vibrant!
Join us in the Shop Local movement.
We offer:
- Micro-website on ShopWasaga to help you get found locally
- Small and Medium website for great rates (Hosting included with your ShopStayner subscription)
- Online Marketing tools
- Newsletter/Email blasts system
- Grow your Email Subscriber list online
- E-commerce platform
- Coupons/Deals offers
- Traffic Reports
- Collect Reviews
- Gift Certificates
- Post your events
- Restaurant menus