EMPLOYERS, HAVE YOU BOOKED YOUR BOOTH YET FOR OUR 2019 JOB FAIR? Now is the time to find your summer help or that permanent employee you need. We have a few tables still available. Cost is $60 and includes a light lunch, guest speakers and door prizes for attendees. To register please fill out our registration form at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=8ggLvta6tk6_0x-_p8kcm4HXF1v_ZLFAiM6I0sSmrtRUQzRPQVJPRUxVU0dTTkZGR1ZHWFlKSjVZQy4u and we will contact you with more information.
EMPLOYERS, HAVE YOU BOOKED YOUR BOOTH YET FOR OUR 2019 JOB FAIR? Now is the time to find your summer help or that permanent employee you need. We have a few tables still available. Cost is $60 and includes a light lunch, guest speakers and door prizes for attendees. To register please fill out our registration form at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=8ggLvta6tk6_0x-_p8kcm4HXF1v_ZLFAiM6I0sSmrtRUQzRPQVJPRUxVU0dTTkZGR1ZHWFlKSjVZQy4u and we will contact you with more information.
EMPLOYERS, are you looking for employees? Here is your chance to meet and interview young people from around South Georgian Bay. JOB FAIR 2019 is the place to be on March 30th at the Wasaga Beach RecPlex from 10 am to 4 pm. Booths are still available. $60 per table and includes a light lunch, a guest speaker and the chance to meet your next great employee. Sign up today at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=8ggLvta6tk6_0x-_p8kcm4HXF1v_ZLFAiM6I0sSmrtRUQzRPQVJPRUxVU0dTTkZGR1ZHWFlKSjVZQy4u
EMPLOYERS, are you looking for employees? Here is your chance to meet and interview young people from around South Georgian Bay. JOB FAIR 2019 is the place to be on March 30th at the Wasaga Beach RecPlex from 10 am to 4 pm. Booths are still available. $60 per table and includes a light lunch, a guest speaker and the chance to meet your next great employee. Sign up today at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=8ggLvta6tk6_0x-_p8kcm4HXF1v_ZLFAiM6I0sSmrtRUQzRPQVJPRUxVU0dTTkZGR1ZHWFlKSjVZQy4u
EMPLOYERS, are you looking for employees? Here is your chance to meet and interview young people from around South Georgian Bay. JOB FAIR 2019 is the place to be on March 30th at the Wasaga Beach RecPlex from 10 am to 4 pm. Booths are still available. $60 per table and includes a light lunch, a guest speaker and the chance to meet your next great employee. Sign up today at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=8ggLvta6tk6_0x-_p8kcm4HXF1v_ZLFAiM6I0sSmrtRUQzRPQVJPRUxVU0dTTkZGR1ZHWFlKSjVZQy4u